Chief Executive’s Report in response to submissions received to the Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Dundalk Local Area Plan
The Chief Executive’s Report in response to submissions received to the Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Dundalk Local Area Plan has been prepared in accordance with Section 20(3)(k) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). This Report lists the Prescribed Bodies/persons who made submissions and observations, summaries the issues, gives the opinion of the Chief Executive (CE) in relation to the issues raised and makes recommendations in relation to the Proposed Material Alterations. The recommendations consider the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, the statutory obligations of the local authority and relevant policies or objectives of the Government or of any Minister of the Government.
The draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030 was placed on public display from Wednesday 17th July 2024 until 4.30pm on Tuesday 10th September 2024. A total of 154 submissions were received during the prescribed period in response to this stage of public consultation. In accordance with the requirements of Section 20(3)(c)(i) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), a Chief Executive’s Report was prepared, which summarised and detailed the submissions received to the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan and provided the response and recommendations of the Chief Executive to the issues raised.
The Elected Members, having considered the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030 and the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions received, resolved at the monthly Council meeting on the 18th November 2024 to amend the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030. These proposed amendments, if made, constitute a material alteration to the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan. Accordingly, the Council resolved to place the proposed alterations on public display for a period of not less than 4 weeks, in accordance with Section 20(3)(e) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
Proposed Alterations to the Draft Local Area Plan
This document details the proposed alterations in order to inform and assist the public and other interested parties in consideration of the proposed material alterations to the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030.
Written observations or submissions, submitted during the consultation period, regarding the proposed alterations and the likely significant effects on the environment of their implementation will be taken into consideration before the making of the Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030.
How the Document is Organised
The Proposed Material Alterations are set out in the Chief Executive’s Report on Submissions to the Draft Dundalk Local Area Plan. Each Alteration is assigned a reference number with its section/location in the Draft Plan identified. The submission number attributable to each alteration is also provided.
The text of the Draft Plan is shown in normal print. Additons and deletions are as outlined below.
Proposed deletions to text are shown in blue strikethrough text. Proposed additions are shown as red text, for example:
Proposed Alteration No. 58:
Amendment to text in Section 8.14: As transportation transitions…Dublin Road. In May 2024 the Department of Transport published…and associated infrastructure and support the provision of the Electric Vehicle Strategy tomakethechargingofelectricvehicles more accessible.
Mapping Changes
The proposed amendments to land use zonings and the flood zones will be detailed on the ‘Zoning and Flood Zones Map’. Note that these changes will also apply to the corresponding ‘Composite Map’.
Note: Should any of the Proposed Material Alterations listed in this report be adopted into the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030, consequential changes may occur in various sections throughout the Plan as a result.
Closing Date for Making a Submission
The proposed Material Alterations will be on public display from Friday 6th December 2024 until 4.30pm on Monday 13th January 2025 (inclusive).
How to Make a Submission / Observation
Written Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030, and associated documents are invited from members of the public and other interested parties during the above period and before 4:30 pm on Monday 13th January 2025.
Written submissions or observations must state the full name and address of the person or relevant body, or agency, making Material Alterations and should be clearly marked “Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030”.
Submissions or observations should be made by one medium only and can be made as follows:
In writing to: Forward Planning Section, Louth County Council, Town Hall, Crowe Street, Dundalk, Co Louth A91 W20C
Please note that observations or submissions will be made public on the consultation portal and at the offices of the Planning Department.
Children or groups or associations representing children are entitled to make submissions or observations. All observations or submissions received before the closing date will be taken into consideration before the making of the Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030. Please note that submissions that do not relate to a proposed alteration, cannot be taken into consideration.
Next Stages
The material alterations shall go on public display, under Section 20(j)(i) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) for a period of not less than 4 weeks, giving the public an opportunity to comment on the proposed alterations only. This is followed by the preparation of a Chief Executive’s Report on any submissions or observations received on the proposed material alterations only. The Proposed Material Alterations and the Chief Executive’s Report is then considered by Elected Members who shall, no later than six weeks after the Chief Executive’s Report has been made available, make or amend the Dundalk Local Area Plan with or without the proposed alterations or with modifications to the proposed alterations as they consider appropriate.
Data Protection A report will be prepared on submissions received and will include the names of those who made submissions. This report will be published on the Council website/consultation portal. Details of the Louth County Council Data Protection Policy can be viewed at
General Queries For any general queries in relation to the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan you can contact the Forward Planning Team by emailing
Note that submissions will not be accepted via this email address, but should be made through the consultation portal as explained above.
Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030
Primary tabs
Chief Executive’s Report in response to submissions received to the Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Dundalk Local Area Plan
The Chief Executive’s Report in response to submissions received to the Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Dundalk Local Area Plan has been prepared in accordance with Section 20(3)(k) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). This Report lists the Prescribed Bodies/persons who made submissions and observations, summaries the issues, gives the opinion of the Chief Executive (CE) in relation to the issues raised and makes recommendations in relation to the Proposed Material Alterations. The recommendations consider the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, the statutory obligations of the local authority and relevant policies or objectives of the Government or of any Minister of the Government.
The draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030 was placed on public display from Wednesday 17th July 2024 until 4.30pm on Tuesday 10th September 2024. A total of 154 submissions were received during the prescribed period in response to this stage of public consultation. In accordance with the requirements of Section 20(3)(c)(i) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), a Chief Executive’s Report was prepared, which summarised and detailed the submissions received to the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan and provided the response and recommendations of the Chief Executive to the issues raised.
The Elected Members, having considered the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030 and the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions received, resolved at the monthly Council meeting on the 18th November 2024 to amend the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030. These proposed amendments, if made, constitute a material alteration to the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan. Accordingly, the Council resolved to place the proposed alterations on public display for a period of not less than 4 weeks, in accordance with Section 20(3)(e) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
Proposed Alterations to the Draft Local Area Plan
This document details the proposed alterations in order to inform and assist the public and other interested parties in consideration of the proposed material alterations to the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030.
Written observations or submissions, submitted during the consultation period, regarding the proposed alterations and the likely significant effects on the environment of their implementation will be taken into consideration before the making of the Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030.
How the Document is Organised
The Proposed Material Alterations are set out in the Chief Executive’s Report on Submissions to the Draft Dundalk Local Area Plan. Each Alteration is assigned a reference number with its section/location in the Draft Plan identified. The submission number attributable to each alteration is also provided.
The text of the Draft Plan is shown in normal print. Additons and deletions are as outlined below.
Proposed deletions to text are shown in
blue strikethroughtext. Proposed additions are shown as red text, for example:Proposed Alteration No. 58:
Amendment to text in Section 8.14:
As transportation transitions…Dublin Road. In May 2024 the Department of Transport published…and associated infrastructure and support the provision of the Electric Vehicle Strategy
tomakethechargingofelectricvehicles more accessible.Mapping Changes
The proposed amendments to land use zonings and the flood zones will be detailed on the ‘Zoning and Flood Zones Map’. Note that these changes will also apply to the corresponding ‘Composite Map’.
Note: Should any of the Proposed Material Alterations listed in this report be adopted into the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030, consequential changes may occur in various sections throughout the Plan as a result.
Closing Date for Making a Submission
The proposed Material Alterations will be on public display from Friday 6th December 2024 until 4.30pm on Monday 13th January 2025 (inclusive).
How to Make a Submission / Observation
Written Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030, and associated documents are invited from members of the public and other interested parties during the above period and before 4:30 pm on Monday 13th January 2025.
Written submissions or observations must state the full name and address of the person or relevant body, or agency, making Material Alterations and should be clearly marked “Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030”.
Submissions or observations should be made by one medium only and can be made as follows:
Please note that observations or submissions will be made public on the consultation portal and at the offices of the Planning Department.
Children or groups or associations representing children are entitled to make submissions or observations. All observations or submissions received before the closing date will be taken into consideration before the making of the Dundalk Local Area Plan 2024-2030.
Please note that submissions that do not relate to a proposed alteration, cannot be taken into consideration.
Next Stages
The material alterations shall go on public display, under Section 20(j)(i) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) for a period of not less than 4 weeks, giving the public an opportunity to comment on the proposed alterations only. This is followed by the preparation of a Chief Executive’s Report on any submissions or observations received on the proposed material alterations only. The Proposed Material Alterations and the Chief Executive’s Report is then considered by Elected Members who shall, no later than six weeks after the Chief Executive’s Report has been made available, make or amend the Dundalk Local Area Plan with or without the proposed alterations or with modifications to the proposed alterations as they consider appropriate.
Data Protection
A report will be prepared on submissions received and will include the names of those who made submissions. This report will be published on the Council website/consultation portal. Details of the Louth County Council Data Protection Policy can be viewed at
General Queries
For any general queries in relation to the draft Dundalk Local Area Plan you can contact the Forward Planning Team by emailing
Note that submissions will not be accepted via this email address, but should be made through the consultation portal as explained above.