Louth County Council PEACEPLUS Survey

Dúnta9 Nol, 2022, 16:00 - 18 Ean, 2023, 23:59

Louth County Council has been invited to participate in the PEACEPLUS programme. €4, 679,354 has been allocated in principle to the Council for community activities and infrastructure projects towards building peace and reconciliation. These projects are dependent on a submission of a co-designed local action plan. Your involvement during the process of public consultation and engagement is therefore very important. 

We need your views to help develop the PEACEPLUS Action Plan. Your knowledge and experience will help build upon the previous peace programmes by tackling the remaining challenges and opportunities that exist in the following areas: 

1. Local Community Regeneration & Transformation
2. Thriving & Peaceful communities
3. Celebrating cultures & diversity

Projects supported by the PEACEPLUS Action Plan should deliver on a cross community basis and result in shared and inclusive local services, facilities and spaces that will make a significant and lasting contribution to peace and reconciliation. 

Please could you take a few minutes to share your views on what you feel are the peace building priorities for the area and how you might become engaged in the programme. 

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete - Louth County Council PEACEPLUS Survey

The closing date for this survey is Wednesday 18 January, 2023.